私の絵画は潜在意識が描いた一筆書きで対社会意識の緊張のスキから零れる表現欲の形象だ。絵画論では長くなるので以下超訳する。アカデミック絵画は現実世界を3次元分割で写し取る騙し絵だった。20世紀絵画はキュビズムから始まり、これが2次元分割。21世紀絵画は1次元分割で、私の絵画も一筆書きだ。だから何?と言われそうだが、発明とはコロンブスの卵みたいに簡単なもの。ナスカ地上絵も一筆書とご存じか。だから、私の絵は、新しいがプリミティブと言えるかも知れない。My paintings are made from a single stroke drawn by my subconscious mind. If I explain my painting theory, the story will be very long, so I’ll tell you it very briefly.Academic art is a tricky picture that was copied from the reality of the world with a three-dimensional method.The dawn in 20th century painting has begun with Cubism; this is a two-dimensional divisional method.I considered new paintings from the 21st century will be a form a one-dimensional division method, so my painting is made from a single stroke.You may say “so what?” Well, I think a new invention is as simple as the egg of Columbus.By the way, the paintings were drawing in the Nazca plain are made in a single stroke of brush.So, you can say my new paintings are primitive, too.